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How can I create API user?
Execute the following steps to create an API user: From Admin Panel, go to Settings. Click on API user. Add an API user name and set a password. Save it. The API user will be created successfully.
How can I create a new user?
To create a new user, invite the user in the following way: Click on settings and go to Users. Add new user. Provide the credentials & invite that user. An invitation will be sent to the user's email to access the system.
Standard API Documentation
Standard API Documentation Host: Protocols: https Accepts: application/json Responds With: application/json More Info Contact Us by Email Contact URL: Working with Standard APIs The dEngage API provides ...
Postman API Testing
Dengage allows you to generate sample API requests for all of our endpoints via Postman . This reference article covers the Dengage Rest API Testing, what it is, how to set up and as well as how to edit and send requests. What is Postman? Postman is ...
User Engagement
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