Code Snippets

Code Snippets

Using the D.engage code snippets you can personalize content for each contact to provide a tailored experience to the users.

To create a code snippet you need to go to the code snippet section under the content tab in the CDMP. You can choose between different content types to create snippets accordingly, for example, to create code snippets for emails you can use content type as HTML similarly for SMS you can choose plain text. 

Salutation Text: Using this code snippet you can change the salutation text of emails/messages automatically using the contacts gender column’s data.

Visited Products Snippet: To generate emails based on the data of the visited products of the customer you can use the below code snippet.

Recommend Products From Tables:
You can get data from any table in the database using $from function with the table name. For example to display products from the recommendation table.

Show Abandon Cart Products:
You can generate specific emails for each customer who added the products in the cart and left to remind them according to what they added in the cart using the data from the events table of abandoned products table.

Carousel Push Notifications:
You can create personalized Push notification content by using products from any table.

Custom Promotional Emails:
You can use the code snippets to create custom promotional emails for customers.

Show Recommendation From Table Push:
To show recommendations of products from a table you can use this code snippet. You can select the content type as JSON for creating snippets for push notifications.

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