Contact Extension in D·engage CDMP

Contact Extension in D·engage CDMP

The new Contact Extension Feature helps you to add multiple information against a single contact.

Below are the steps on how to use this feature:

Add Contact Extension Type

First, you should know how to add a contact extension type.

  • Navigate to “Contact Extension Types” under settings.

  • Click on the "Add " option placed on the top right

  • Give "Name" to contact extension type, select the "channel", and enter a value for the "column order"
  • Now hit the "save" button and contact type will be created

Upload Contact Type

Once you have created a contact type, you need to upload it. 

  • Upload the contact types in the user detail and save them against the contact_key of a user.

  • Add this information in a CSV file and upload that file.

  • Now go to Imports under dataspace from the left menu bar and click on the "New Import" button.

  • Next select "Tables" as import type.

  1. You'll be able to upload the file here. Choose the CSV file and click on the "Next" button once the file is uploaded.

  • After upload, you have to choose the target data table.

  • Select “master_contact_extension” table from the list and click on the Start button, this will start the upload process. 

  • Once the information is saved in the master_contact_extension table. You can verify this by going to master_contact_extension table.

  • You can also check this on the user detail page and verify the uploaded information.

  • For this purpose, search the user by contact_key and open that user detail page.

  • Click on Contact Extension Tab on the user detail page.

  • All the information in the CSV file will also appear in the user Contact Extension Tab.

Send Campaign to Contact Extension

  • Now you can send the campaign to all the email addresses or numbers of a user by using the contact extension in email or SMS settings

  • Open Email/SMS Send settings and then go to Advanced Settings

In Advanced Settings, there are two options

  • Send to Default

  • Use Contact Extension

  1. If you select the “Send to Default” option, then the email/SMS will be sent to the default contact.

  1. If you select the “Use Contact Extension” option, then-campaign will be sent to the user’s other addresses. If you select “Use Contact Extension”, there will be further two options:

  • Send to first available

  • Send to all

  • For  “Send to first available” option  campaign will be sent to only the first available address.

  • For “Send to all” option campaign will be sent to all available addresses of a single user.

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