How can I create a Segment?

How can I create a Segment?

Creating a Segment

This article will walk you through the steps of creating a segment, filtering your target audience, and segment navigation.

Your developers have integrated the SDK, and the data from your users have begun pouring in. Now what? It’s time to start segmenting your users. Follow the guide below !

Segmentation allows you to target users based upon their demographic, behavioral, social, or technical characteristics and actions. Creative and intelligent use of segmentation and messaging automation enables you to seamlessly and easily move your users from first touch to long-term customer. Segments update in real-time as data changes, and you can create as many segments as needed for your targeting and messaging purposes.

Step 1: Navigating to the Segments Section

From the left-hand side of the Dashboard under Home, click on Data Space > Segments. 

Click on add or choose one already created.

Step 2: Name Your Segment

Name your segment by describing the type of user you intend to filter for. This will ensure that this segment can easily and accurately be the target of multiple campaigns. Vague segment titles can cause confusion down the line.

Optionally, you can add a description to the segment to provide more details about the intention of this audience and leave notes for other team members to refer back to.

Step 3: Add Filters to Your Segment

Choosing Interactive mode, you can add at least one filter to your segment as depicted in the image below. You can combine as many filters as you want in order to make your segmentation more specific.

Choosing “OR” for your filters means that your segment will contain users satisfying any combination of one, some, or all of those filters, while “AND” means that users who do not pass that filter will not be included in your segment. This logic can be combined, so that you can segment users who pass one filter “AND” either one of two other filters.
Notice that, the exact segment membership is always calculated before a segment is affected by a message sent in a campaign

Step 4: Save Your Segment

Once you’ve clicked “Save” you’re ready to start sending messages to your users!

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