D·engage is now able to integrate with the most go-to Framework for Ecommerce, i.e Magento.
With this integration, you will be able to sync the following data from your Magento Website to D·engage CDMP:
- Contacts
- Products
- Product_variant
- Order
- Order_details
Following are the steps to integrate Magento with D·engage CDMP.
Get API Username and Password from CDMP
The first step is to get API Username and Password from CDMP.
⦁ Go to Settings -> Api Users and then click on Add button.
⦁ Activate all Radio buttons, copy the API Username and Password and Save the API User.
Steps to SYNC Magento Website with D·engage
⦁ Extract the Provided dengage.zip file on the Magento app/code folder.
⦁ Edit this file app/code/Dengage/Cdmp/Utilities/ApiHandler.php.
⦁ Find ${API_USER} and replace it with your account ApiUser.
⦁ Find ${API_PASSWORD} and replace it with your account ApiPassword.
⦁ Save this file and close it.
⦁ Now run these commands
php bin/magento module:enable Dengage_Cdmp
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
Congratulations! Your website is integrated with Dengage.