he multi-brand feature is available for SMS and Email. With this new feature, you can add brand definition and choose “From Names” or “Sender Names” for Email or SMS receptively. Then you have to create an Unsubscribe link for a specific brand. Users can unsubscribe from one brand and not from another.
First, you have to define “Brand Definition”.
Navigate to “Brand definition” under “Settings”
Click on the “Add” button to add a new brand. A popup window will appear as shown below
Give a name and choose a channel as either “Email” or “SMS”
In case of email, select “From Names”, or “Permission Columns” for your brand and hit the Save button
For SMS, choose “Sender Names” and “Permission Columns” for your brand
Update Brand Definition:
Once you have added a brand definition, you can update it at any time. Just open a brand definition, make changes, and hit the “Update” button
You’ll see a success message on updating the record as shown below
Like an update, you can delete a brand definition by clicking on the delete button at the bottom left corner. you'll see a confirmation pop-up.
Click “Ok” to continue and “Cancel” to go back
Enter values for “From Name”, ”Reply-To”, “Subject” and “Pre-header”
Add unsubscribe links from the “Insert” option (Customization tags).
An added unsubscribe link will be displayed in the editor. You can also send a test email from the “test email” button
Save the email template
Now choose the “email” template that contains the “brand unsubscribe link” and create a campaign.
Creating SMS Content:
Enter “sender name”
You can also click the” test” option to send a test “SMS”
Hit the “Save” button to save SMS content and you’ll see a success message
Create a Campaign (E-mail content)
Choose “Email” content that contains a “brand unsubscribe link” and create a campaign
Enter “Campaign name” and choose the “scheduling” option
Click on the link then the notification shows “You are successfully Unsubscribed”