Postman API Testing

Postman API Testing

Dengage allows you to generate sample API requests for all of our endpoints via  Postman . This reference article covers the Dengage Rest API Testing, what it is, how to set up and as well as how to edit and send requests.

What is Postman?

Postman is a free-to-use visual editing tool for building and testing API requests. As opposed to other methods for interacting with APIs (e.g. using cURL), Postman allows you to easily edit API requests, view header information and much more. Postman has the ability for you to save Collections or libraries of sample pre-made API requests. In order to make it easy for our customers to get up and running with our REST API, we created a Collection with pre-made examples for all of our API endpoints.

Using Dengage Rest API.

To send an API requests to dengage Rest API you should have your IP whitelisted. To whitelist your IP you can send an email to
Once your IP is whitelisted you need to create an API user to send an API request.

You can follow the below steps to create an API user .

1. Login to the admin panel of dengage and navigate to settings>API users

2.Now click the add button to create a new user.

3.Enable the permissions according to your needs and save. The password for the created user will be sent to your email account.

4.To set up the new environment on the postman follow the below steps.
  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your Postman app.
  2. Select “Manage Environments” to open a modal window that displays your active environments.
  3. In the bottom right corner of the modal window, click “Add” to create a new environment.
  4. Specify any name for the environment and in the variables add the username, password, URL and token

5. Now to send any request copy the endpoint and paste in the URL field and specify any required params and body and send the request

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