Real-time Onsite

Real-time Onsite

Navigate to Onsite under campaigns
 You'll see a list of existing onsite campaigns with their status, schedule and all the other information. Create a new onsite campaign by clicking on  'New' button.



Fill in the setting form with the campaign name and schedule.

Select the website as shown in the figure below.

Choose the platform as either web or mobile web you want to run the campaign for 

Next, select if you want to show it to all visitor or you can filter the visitors. Click on the 'Add Filter' button to apply a filter.


Specify the criteria and click the 'Add' button.


Now you have to define when the onsite message will be displayed. it could be
  1. When the user loads a web page, you have to further select the trigger time.
  2. When the user performs a GTM data layer event on the web page, you have to enter the event name here. 
  3. When the user tries to leave the page

Lastly, you have to select the pages where onsite will be displayed and hit the 'next' button. 


Now Select or create a new push content for on-site as shown below.


Choose from the delivery control options according to your requirement and click on the 'Next' button. 


Here the summary of the onsite campaign will be displayed. You can also edit the settings.

Hit the Save button and there will be a confirmation popup. 

Hit Yes to activate the campaign. You'll see the campaign in the list with the status as 'Active'.

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