Standard API Documentation

Standard API Documentation

Standard API Documentation

  • Host:
  • Protocols: https
  • Accepts: application/json
  • Responds With: application/json

Working with Standard APIs

The dEngage API provides programmatic access to dEngage Platform, providing the required tools to exploit and trigger system functionality remotely, enabling our customers to integrate their IT applications swiftly.

API aims to provide you with almost the same functionality as in dEngage Platform GUIs including configuration, data management, automation, advanced reporting. We are happy to support you on missing functionalities in this version of the API. Please contact our support teams for further discussions.

DateTime Formats:

* yyyy-MM-dd
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.f
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff
* yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.f
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ff
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
* yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ


0. Authorization API

Authorization API allow users to get authenticated in the system for API calls. This is the first call to be made by the calling clients.

Login authenticates the calling client by a valid userKey/passwpord token pair.

1. Dataspace API

Dataspace APIs are developed to provide a set of functions and procedures that allow a robust interaction with dEngage Platform’s relational database. The set of Dataspace APIs allow users to setup connections among different data records and to use those connections to view, manage and manipulate data to fit your own dynamic business needs.

The power of our relational database is its structure that enables you to recognize relations among stored items of information. By connecting rows in different tables through the use of primary and foreign keys, you can create views, reports, and other slices of information to access data for email segmenting, selection and personalization. Upon creating your account, it is recommended to create your own dataspace in the system and synching your data sources by using these APIs.

Dataspace APIs and their main functions are as follows:

CreateTable API call is made to create new tables in the relational database while defining the table structures with its columns, rows and primary keys.

TruncateTable deletes all the data in a data table.

DropTable deletes the data table from the relational database.

Synchronous DeleteData deletes no more than 1000 records / API call in a data table.

Asynchronous DeleteData deletes a vast amount of data from a data table (more than 1000 and no upper limit). The job is chunked into different threads in the background.

Synchronous Upsert Data inserts/updates no more than 1000 new records / API call in a given data table.

Asynchronous Upsert Data inserts/updates a vast amount of data to a data table (more than 1000 and no upper limit)

GetAsyncJobStatus returns the status of a given asynchronous API call job in the system.

2. Contact API

Once your dataspace is ready and data sources are synched with the relational database. You can make the below API calls to manage your contacts in the system.

InsertContact inserts a new contact to the sys_contact table which is the main table in the database that stores all related information of a contact. This API call also enables to create custom data columns per contact as required.

GetContact queries and returns all related information of a given contact.

UpdateContact updates a selected set of information of a given contact.

GetUpdateLog retrieves the status and permission changes of a contact such as ContactStatus, EmailStatus, GsmStatus, EmailPermission, GsmPermission.

3. Content API

Since your dataspace is ready, your data is synchronized and contacts are updated, you are ready to create contents that are subject to your target audience.

You can make the below API calls to manage your send contents in the system.

GetEmailContent returns the email content of a given uuid.

GetSmsContent returns the SMS content of a given uuid.

CreateEmailContent creates an email content with subject & content optimization, delivery & tracking options and stores it in the system with an assigned uuid.

CreateSmsContent creates an SMS content with delivery & tracking options and stores it in the system with an assigned uuid.

UpdateEmailContent updates a given email content’s body, subject & content optimization, delivery & tracking options and stores it in the system with a uuid.

UpdateSmsContent updates a given SMS content’s body, delivery & tracking options and stores it in the system with a uuid.

DeleteEmailContent deletes the content of a given Email uuid.

DeleteSmsContent returns the content of a given SMS uuid.

4. Email Sends API

Since your dataspace is ready, your data is synchronized, contacts are up-to-date and relevant contents are created, you are ready to send those contents to your target audience.

You can make the below API calls to manage your email sends in the system.

CreateEmailSend create an email send with a given uuid in the system and sets its target audience, delivery time, tracking options, deduplication option & tags.

GetEmailSend retrieves all data related to a target email send with a given uuid created in the system.

PauseEmailSend pauses a target active email send.

ResumeEmailSend resumes a target active email send.

CancelEmailSend cancels a target active email send.

GetEmailSendBounces retrieves a target email send bounce report.

GetEmailSendClicks retrieves a target email send clicks report.

GetEmailSendOpens retrieves a target email send open report.

GetEmailSendOverview retrieves an overview of a target email send report.

5. SMS Sends API

Since your dataspace is ready, your data is synchronized, contacts are up-to-date and relevant contents are created, you are ready to send those contents to your target audience.

You can make the below API calls to manage your SMS sends in the system.

CreateSMSSend create an SMS send with a given uuid in the system and sets its target audience, delivery time, tracking options & tags.

GetSMSSendOverview retrieves all data related to a target SMS send with a given uuid created in the system.

GetSMSSendReport retrieves all data related to a target SMS send with a given uuid created in the system.

CancelSMSSend cancels a target active SMS send.

PauseSMSSend pauses a target active SMS send.

ResumeSMSSend resumes a target active SMS send.

6. Logs API

GetEmailBounceLogs retrieves the list of bounce-related events about a target email send.

GetEmailLogs retrieves the list of events about a target email send.

GetEmailSpamLogs retrieves the list of spam-related events about a target email send.

GetEmailUnsubscribeLogs retrieves the list of unsubscribe events about a target email send.

7. Transactional API

GetTransactionalEmailReport retrieves the report of a target transactional email send.

GetTransactionalSmsReport retrieves the report of a target transactional sms send.

SendTransactionalEmail sends a transactional email message to group of target recipients.

SendTransactionalSms sends a transactional SMS message to group of target recipients.

8. Settings API

Settings APIs allow users to retrieve some global options from the system set by system administrators.

GetEmailFroms returns the “EmailFrom” options defined in the system.

GetBulkVmtaList returns the list of Virtual Message Transfer Agents (VMTA) that are handling bulk message send functions.

GetTransactionalVmtaList returns the list of Virtual Message Transfer Agents (VMTA) that are handling transactional message send functions.

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