In Dengage in order to start creating the email content using 'Drag and Drop editor', please use the following instruction:
How to create
The newly created page is splited into two parts
- Canvas part, where you're able to build you email content
- Items storage, where you can find all necessary elements for email creating (rows, images, social media buttons, etc)
The whole creation process is the following:
1) Drag and drop the row under the 'Rows' tab. In Dengage we have a set of defined rows of different shapes
How the selected row looks on canvas:
2) Drag and drop the required item from 'CONTENT' tab to the placed row on canvas
In example below, we placed two items on the previously added row - Social media and image items:

RULE: All content items should be placed on the row(s)
How to modify
Usually it requires to modify the recently added content - change the font size, change the background color or add links, etc.
In Dengage Drag and Drop editor it can be easily achieved by clicking on the required content item, which you would like to modify.
The modification options appear on the right side of the editing panel.
As an example, please find how the modification options work for Social Media icons, you're able to:
- Configure the SM icons view in the drop-down list
- Add/remove the SM icons
- Define the existing URL for your social media accounts
- You can align your SM icons to the left/center/right side
- Change icon spacing
Play around with it, it's simple!