Web Push Integration on WIX

Web Push Integration on WIX

Wix is an amazing platform to start your own website. Integrating Push Notifications on Wix Site with Dยทengage is very simple and takes less than 10 minutes. In this article, we will show the exact steps to integrate web push notifications on a Wix site.

Below are the steps to install Push Notifications on a Wix website

1. Goto the admin panel of your account and navigate to Settings > Application.

2. Create a new web application and fill in the necessary details. Once done with that it will provide you the setup guide like below. Copy the code and download the service worker file.

3. Wix Account: Log in to your Wix account. Select the Edit site.

4. Go to Site Code then go to Backend Files.

Create a new javascript file. File Name should be http-functions.js and paste the following code in the file:

Replace the line 6 with your import script code in the service worker file.
  1. import {ok, notFound, serverError} from 'wix-http-functions';

    let DengageSDKWorkerjs = `var swUrl = new URL(location);

    var accountId = swUrl.searchParams.get('account_id') || '';

    var appGuid = swUrl.searchParams.get('app_guid') || '';

    if (accountId && appGuid) {

        importScripts("https://us-pcdn.dengage.com/p/push/%22 + accountId + "/" + appGuid + "/dengage_sw.js");


    export function get_dnsw(request) {

     let options = {

     "headers": {


     "Service-Worker-Allowed" : "/"


     "body": DengageSDKWorkerjs


     return ok(options);


Click Save and then Publish.

5. Click Settings, scroll down to Advanced section and select Custom Code.

6. Click on + Custom Code Name It to (HTTP Header) and Code Type should be Essential.

7. Paste the script you copied in the step 2 here and replace the dengage('initialize'); in line 2  with dengage('initialize', {swUrl: '/_functions/dnsw'});

  1. <script> !function(e,a,n,d,g){e.dengage=e.dengage||function(){(e.dengage.q=e.dengage.q||[]).push(arguments)},d=a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],(g=a.createElement("script")).async=1,g.src="https://us-pcdn.dengage.com/p/push/4/236cccc3-f3ce-4686-4c21-8373ac58a5c8/dengage_sdk.js%22,d.appendChild(g)%7D(window,document);
  2.   dengage('initialize', {swUrl: '/_functions/dnsw'});
  3. </script>

8. Select All Pages option then Select Head option and Click Ok

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