July 2021

July 2021

We were busy in June and July working on some big projects you’ll see later this year, yet we always leave room for improvements and to some commonly requested features. Read on to learn what we have released this month!

Neto D·engage Integration

In a matter of minutes, without a single line of code you can connect your Neto store to your  D·engage  account. This integration is a one-way sync that sends your product catalog as well as your contact and order data directly from your Neto store into your  D·engage  account for both logged in customers and guests. 
You can use this data to send personalized follow-up emails to your contacts, trigger automations to run based on behavioral data, create targeted micro-segments, define campaign conversion goals, and more.
Additionally, you can integrate your website with  D·engage Push Notifications to send relevant and timely Web Push Notifications to your customers and guests.

You can find more information on the required steps on the Neto Integration page.

In-App SDK Support

We have recently added the In-App channel to our Platform. Please review the updated SDK documentation for different mobile app frameworks:
  1. iOS SDK - In-App Messaging
  2. Android SDK - In-App Messaging
  3. React Native SDK - In-App Messaging
  4. Flutter SDK - In-App Messaging

Conversion Tracking and Reporting

One of the most crucial metrics that help determine the true impact of a campaign is the number of conversions it results in, and the amount of revenue it contributes. With this new release, we made it possible for you to track both these metrics with a simple setup while creating a campaign.

How it Works

Please ensure that you have completed these two steps prior to using conversion tracking in your campaigns:
  1. Event Definition: Identify the events that will tracked as conversion events.
  2. Revenue Mapping: Map the events to track revenue.

Event Definition

Every record with a date information in any table connected to master_contact or master_device table can be defined as a conversion event. Events can be further refined with filters. From the  D·engage platform go to Settings > Event Definition and click Add to define a new Event.

Standard events such as Session Start, Page View, Mobile App Install and Add to Cart events are predefined. Please contact your account manager if you need to add any additional conversion events to track in your marketing campaigns.

Revenue Mapping

Revenue mapping is an essential pre-requisite for tracking the revenue contributed by all your campaigns. It's a simple one-time setup that helps you draw a correlation between a specific action (prompted by a campaign) and the revenue of your business.

Revenue Mapping can be accessed from Settings > Campaign Configuration > Revenue Mapping

Step 1: Select the Currency
Select the currency in which you report your revenues. All revenue metrics on the D·engage dashboard, and reports will be displayed in this currency.

Step 2: Select the Revenue Event and Revenue Attribute
Revenue events will help you understand the impact of your campaigns and sends on your revenues (provided you have specified your conversion event to be the order event) Depending on your business, this could be anything like Subscription Purchased, Checkout Complete, Flight Booked, Hotel Booked, Course Enrolled, Test Purchased, Insurance Policy Purchased, Personal Loan Approved, In-app Purchase Complete and so on.

Step 3: Select Revenue Attribute
Next, you will need to add a Revenue Attribute to the selected Revenue Event. Doing so will tell us exactly what to compute when calculating the revenue for a campaign.

Sample Revenue Events and Revenue Attributes across industries:

Media / Music / Video Streaming / Music
Subscription Purchased
Plan Price
Total Amount
Booking Booking Amount
Financial Services
Insurance Policy Purchased
Policy Amount
Course Enrolled
Course Fee

Tracking Conversions for a Campaign

Conversion tracking is an optional step of a campaign creation process. If you choose to setup conversion tracking and visit tracking for a particular campaign then its conversions (revenue if selected) and visits, generated to your website and mobile app will be tracked for all the channels (Email, SMS, Push, Web Push, In-App, Onsite) in your campaign.
  1. To access please select "Set Conversion Tracking" from the campaign canvas.

  1. Activate Conversion and Visit Tracking
  2. Select Conversion Event to track 
  3. Enter the number of days or hours conversion will be attributed to the campaign from delivery of message to contact

That'a wrap for now. We'll see you next month with exciting new features and improvements! Questions? Comments? Please send us an email at tech@dengage.com